Sollmega-3—immune resilience and anti-inflammatory


Sollmega-3 is a unique formulation that delivers 950 mg of omega-3 and -6 fatty acids in every tablespoon. This product is prepared using an advanced emulsification process which creates micronized structures that increase the surface-to-volume ratio of particles to make them more available to enzymatic action.* To optimize absorption, fatty acid metabolism, and overall system support, this formulation is specially emulsified, and vitamin and mineral cofactors and the amino acid taurine are added.* This pleasant-tasting liquid is ideal for serving flexibility and for those who cannot take soft gels. It also meets Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED) standards for quality, purity, and environmental sustainability.

Note: This product may act as a potential blood thinner at higher doses or combined with other agents. Consult with a doctor if you are taking this in conjunction with blood-thinning medications or other blood-thinning nutraceuticals.


  • Increases omega-3 fatty acids in the diet, which most Americans are deficient in
  • Combats systemic inflammation and supports immune regulation.
  • Promotes a balanced production of cytokines, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and other signaling molecules for healthy hormone balance.
  • Promotes healthy hormone receptor site function and signaling for better hormone balance.
  • Supports healthy cell membrane composition and structure.
  • Supports neurological, cardiovascular, and immune health.
  • Supports brain function through improved cell membrane fluidity.
  • Improves blood sugar metabolism.
  • Helps the body produce specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs). SPMs promote the resolution of inflammation and prevent the body from overreacting with excessive inflammation in response to triggers.
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